14. Laser Measurements Part 4
Here's the solution and a code editor with my solution for you to experiment!
Programming Assignment Solution
Start Quiz:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "Dense"
#include "measurement_package.h"
#include "tracking.h"
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ifstream;
using std::istringstream;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
int main() {
* Set Measurements
vector<MeasurementPackage> measurement_pack_list;
// hardcoded input file with laser and radar measurements
string in_file_name_ = "obj_pose-laser-radar-synthetic-input.txt";
ifstream in_file(in_file_name_.c_str(), ifstream::in);
if (!in_file.is_open()) {
cout << "Cannot open input file: " << in_file_name_ << endl;
string line;
// set i to get only first 3 measurments
int i = 0;
while (getline(in_file, line) && (i<=3)) {
MeasurementPackage meas_package;
istringstream iss(line);
string sensor_type;
iss >> sensor_type; // reads first element from the current line
int64_t timestamp;
if (sensor_type.compare("L") == 0) { // laser measurement
// read measurements
meas_package.sensor_type_ = MeasurementPackage::LASER;
meas_package.raw_measurements_ = VectorXd(2);
float x;
float y;
iss >> x;
iss >> y;
meas_package.raw_measurements_ << x,y;
iss >> timestamp;
meas_package.timestamp_ = timestamp;
} else if (sensor_type.compare("R") == 0) {
// Skip Radar measurements
// Create a Tracking instance
Tracking tracking;
// call the ProcessingMeasurement() function for each measurement
size_t N = measurement_pack_list.size();
// start filtering from the second frame
// (the speed is unknown in the first frame)
for (size_t k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
if (in_file.is_open()) {
return 0;
#include "kalman_filter.h"
KalmanFilter::KalmanFilter() {
KalmanFilter::~KalmanFilter() {
void KalmanFilter::Predict() {
x_ = F_ * x_;
MatrixXd Ft = F_.transpose();
P_ = F_ * P_ * Ft + Q_;
void KalmanFilter::Update(const VectorXd &z) {
VectorXd z_pred = H_ * x_;
VectorXd y = z - z_pred;
MatrixXd Ht = H_.transpose();
MatrixXd S = H_ * P_ * Ht + R_;
MatrixXd Si = S.inverse();
MatrixXd PHt = P_ * Ht;
MatrixXd K = PHt * Si;
//new estimate
x_ = x_ + (K * y);
long x_size = x_.size();
MatrixXd I = MatrixXd::Identity(x_size, x_size);
P_ = (I - K * H_) * P_;
#include "Dense"
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
class KalmanFilter {
* Constructor
* Destructor
virtual ~KalmanFilter();
* Predict Predicts the state and the state covariance
* using the process model
void Predict();
* Updates the state and
* @param z The measurement at k+1
void Update(const VectorXd &z);
// state vector
VectorXd x_;
// state covariance matrix
MatrixXd P_;
// state transistion matrix
MatrixXd F_;
// process covariance matrix
MatrixXd Q_;
// measurement matrix
MatrixXd H_;
// measurement covariance matrix
MatrixXd R_;
#endif // KALMAN_FILTER_H_
#include "tracking.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Dense"
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
Tracking::Tracking() {
is_initialized_ = false;
previous_timestamp_ = 0;
// create a 4D state vector, we don't know yet the values of the x state
kf_.x_ = VectorXd(4);
// state covariance matrix P
kf_.P_ = MatrixXd(4, 4);
kf_.P_ << 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1000, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1000;
// measurement covariance
kf_.R_ = MatrixXd(2, 2);
kf_.R_ << 0.0225, 0,
0, 0.0225;
// measurement matrix
kf_.H_ = MatrixXd(2, 4);
kf_.H_ << 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0;
// the initial transition matrix F_
kf_.F_ = MatrixXd(4, 4);
kf_.F_ << 1, 0, 1, 0,
0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1;
// set the acceleration noise components
noise_ax = 5;
noise_ay = 5;
Tracking::~Tracking() {
// Process a single measurement
void Tracking::ProcessMeasurement(const MeasurementPackage &measurement_pack) {
if (!is_initialized_) {
//cout << "Kalman Filter Initialization " << endl;
// set the state with the initial location and zero velocity
kf_.x_ << measurement_pack.raw_measurements_[0],
previous_timestamp_ = measurement_pack.timestamp_;
is_initialized_ = true;
// compute the time elapsed between the current and previous measurements
// dt - expressed in seconds
float dt = (measurement_pack.timestamp_ - previous_timestamp_) / 1000000.0;
previous_timestamp_ = measurement_pack.timestamp_;
float dt_2 = dt * dt;
float dt_3 = dt_2 * dt;
float dt_4 = dt_3 * dt;
// Modify the F matrix so that the time is integrated
kf_.F_(0, 2) = dt;
kf_.F_(1, 3) = dt;
// set the process covariance matrix Q
kf_.Q_ = MatrixXd(4, 4);
kf_.Q_ << dt_4/4*noise_ax, 0, dt_3/2*noise_ax, 0,
0, dt_4/4*noise_ay, 0, dt_3/2*noise_ay,
dt_3/2*noise_ax, 0, dt_2*noise_ax, 0,
0, dt_3/2*noise_ay, 0, dt_2*noise_ay;
// predict
// measurement update
cout << "x_= " << kf_.x_ << endl;
cout << "P_= " << kf_.P_ << endl;
#ifndef TRACKING_H_
#define TRACKING_H_
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include "kalman_filter.h"
#include "measurement_package.h"
class Tracking {
virtual ~Tracking();
void ProcessMeasurement(const MeasurementPackage &measurement_pack);
KalmanFilter kf_;
bool is_initialized_;
int64_t previous_timestamp_;
//acceleration noise components
float noise_ax;
float noise_ay;
#endif // TRACKING_H_
#include "Dense"
class MeasurementPackage {
enum SensorType {
} sensor_type_;
Eigen::VectorXd raw_measurements_;
int64_t timestamp_;